Our Mission
Penn Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Consulting (DISC) provides pro-bono consulting services to nonprofit and for-profit organizations around the world on improving their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices. We apply insights from extensive research and experience in the field of DEI to support clients’ talent management goals. We have worked with global clients to improve recruitment strategies, highlight internal successes, and develop quantitative DEI evaluations.
Our mission is to enhance the value and efficacy of clients’ diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives to build stronger 21st century workplaces.
Our Vision
Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Consulting aims to become a premier DEI student consultancy for both Penn organizations and external companies in the Philadelphia area and beyond. We also hope to start a conversation among peers and professionals on the importance of DEI initiatives, and in doing so, work towards putting an end to inequality in the workplace.
Our Values
Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Consulting values diversity, equity, and inclusion in workplaces and educational settings. Creating a direct, positive impact on the Penn and greater Philadelphia community is of utmost importance to DISC. By joining the organization, students will be able to challenge their unconscious biases, collaborate with diverse individuals at Penn, and explore modern solutions to DEI issues.
“The full potential of diversity can only be realized when members of an organization feel included.”
Former Wharton school dean geoffrey garrett
We Bring Together Diversity and Inclusion and Student Consulting
Members of DISC are trained in best practices for initiatives aimed to encourage excellence in diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our unique process exposes them to ideas relevant to the 21st century workplace alongside pre-professional skills. Students work in teams to research, analyze, and formulate D&I initiatives.
DISC offers clients access to premier D&I information and analysis. Clients are able to work with promising Penn students to gain student insight on D&I priorities and access to an exceptional talent pool.
GBC was founded by Becca Bean and Sarina Divan in 2018. While Gender Balance Consulting (GBC) is their latest joint project, it certainly isn’t the first. In this blog post, they’ll tell the story of their paths to GBC and how they just can’t seem to get away from each other.